Hello all, and sorry once again for the radio silence. I’ve had an awful January and February seems to be coming in like a lion. I sincerely hope you all are faring as well as can be expected given… everything. Please know that we’re all in this together, and together, we’ll make it through.

If you haven’t yet, I would highly suggest subscribing to my newsletter/these blog posts—hell, to any author’s newsletter, not just mine. Given the state of the internet at large, it’s more important than ever to keep track of the creators you care about and the work they’re doing. Social media has never been a super stable means of contact, so let’s start investing in decentralized websites and blogs more as a means of keeping tabs on creatives of all walks of life. We can’t control what happens to Instagram or Facebook, but if we host our own little island, if we build bridges to maintain connections of our own, that can’t go away without warning.
I’m going to try to be more consistent with my blogging as well, and to begin that process, I’ve got a few updates to share, namely in regards to conventions, but also some teasing hints about upcoming publications…
Excited? Then let’s get started!
First: I’ve been confirmed for six conventions this year! Several are out of state, so if you live in DC or Minnesota, you’re in luck. I’m keeping busy this year even if I’m not actively writing a ton of new projects, and it’d mean the world to see some friendly faces at these new events while I’m trying them out. Please check my events tab for more information on the specifics, and with any luck, I’ll see some of you this year!
Second: I'll have another book available to download for free in the upcoming Stuff Your Kindle Day: Monster Edition on Valentine's Day. LETIFER will be the offer du jour, so expect another newsletter on that next week as a reminder. I'll also have my itchio-exclusive erotic horror short LIVING DEAD BOY on sale as part of a Queer Valentine's Day itchio bundle. When links drop for all of these, you all will be the first to know!
Third: My first convention of the year, coincidentally, is next month! Evillecon in Evansville, IN is a great con that I sincerely adore attending and vending at, and if you’re in the area, I’d love to see you again! I’ll have some new merchandise as well as INFAUST there, so expect a much fuller table than you’re used to seeing from me. I’ve got tote bags, mugs, new prints, and potentially some new charms (depending on how shipping is going with China in the next few weeks :/ ).
Fourth: Sun is beginning work on the HIRAETH cover, the final book in The Tempest Series!!! We’re fully ready to launch this long awaited book this spring, and I’ll tease a bit of a surprise to you all, my loyal newsletter readers… I’m going to be dropping this book without much warning this time. It just feels right to spare us all a long lead-up to publication given the book is five years overdue as it is. I’ll be sure to give you all more notice than the rest of the world, but don’t expect a pre-order period this go around. There will of course still be signed copy orders though—they just won’t function as a pre-order option like usual, but something you can grab from me directly once the book is already live.
Again, keep an eye on the newsletter for more information about that as we gear up for March and April. I’m doing a lot to make this capstone to my first series worth the wait, and I’ll have more details about the specifics soon… Though if you go take a gander at the Tempest Series listing here on my website, you might scroll down to find a little HIRAETH surprise hidden in plain sight.
Fifth (and finally): I’ve been hard at work editing SKIAMAKHIA, the next book in The Dark Vagaries Series, this month, and I’m hoping to have it ready for my editor’s eyes very soon. For those unaware, SKIAMAKHIA will be the second standalone installment in my eight-book vampire universe and follows Kolton Moreau, the twin brother of Nines from LETIFER fame. The book is set roughly thirty years before our last book and details how Kolton was brought into the vampiric fold, a story only teased to us through the very biased eyes of Nines in LETIFER, and as always, there are two sides to every story—sometimes, there are even more.
This book is a ~120k corporate thriller with shady operators, high-class settings, and a romance that’s more of an arranged marriage-vibe than your typical fare from me. Kolton is trans, tired, and burdened with subterfuge coming at him from both sides, and the mysterious Elijah Eder, Luminary Elder of Detroit, wishes to see how he handles it all before he commits to sharing eternity with him. I think it’s going to be a really fun time for vampire lovers of all predilections, and I’ve been having a blast whipping it into shape.
My goal for this year is to do a lot of conventions and to edit a lot of my edit-block so that all of these first drafts—drafts that have been rotting away in my gdrive for years at this point—are polished up and made ready for publication as soon as I secure cover art, and I’m happy to report that both of these goals are shaping up nicely so far.
I can’t make any real estimates as to how many times I’m going to publish this year, but with HIRAETH a surprise launch, I think I’ll have bandwidth for at least SKIAMAKHIA this year, and hopefully a couple novellas if I can swing it. Fans of my Patreon-Exclusive Vigilante Series, rejoice—Ezra and Kennedy are on their way.
For now though, keep an eye on Instagram and Bluesky for teaser snippets from SKIAMAKHIA going forward. It’ll be sure to whet your appetite for Kolton and all of his dark vagaries.
I wish you all the best in these insane times, and as always, until next time!
T.D. Cloud
Good luck and wishing you the best!! I'm a new fan, so I'm looking forward to going through your back catalog and slowly buying up a physical copy of all of your books 💖
Lots of exciting stuff incoming! I hope this all goes smoothly =)