Happy Halloween, everyone!
Sorry for the radio silence. I’ve had quite a… tumultuous October. 2024 doesn’t seem to be my year, sad as it is to admit it aloud. But things are evening out, and while I’m still trying to find my rhythm again, I’m very happy to have some new things to report that may interest more than just a few of you.
First on the docket: [Convergence] will be available for free on Amazon Kindle as part of the Monster Stuff Your Kindle day tomorrow. It and dozens of other cool, monster-themed romance titles will be on tap via https://linktr.ee/monsterstuffyourkindleday. The creator of the event also had a pretty bad October, so mind the dust if the compiled categories and Amazon shopping lists aren’t quite in place just yet. They will be good to go come the 31st and should make for a pretty fun event.

If you’ve already read and enjoyed [Convergence], consider spreading the word to other like-minded friends who haven’t gotten around to picking it up yet. It’s a great opportunity to stuff your kindle with free books, so might as well, right?
Second: I’ve also got a brand new erotic short story coming out on Itchio tomorrow! It’s very short (4k), but was very fun to write after a rather long no-writing stint on my part. I’ve been doing a lot of reading lately, so I like to think this is what comes of me reading pretty much nothing but Anne Rice novels for the past three months. Mind the tags and check it out tomorrow at noon EST—it’s just $1, and free if you’re pledged to my Patreon.

Third: My last convention of 2024 is next week! I’ll be flying out to Minneapolis once more for Twin Cities Con, Nov. 8-10th. You can find me in the vendor hall under the shared collective booth City Morgue alongside my friend Morgue and creator of the online comic Ingress Adventure Co., Kay (or Prongles on most social media). It sounds like a huge con, so consider stopping by if you’re in the area! I’ll have most of my books as well as some new merchandise made specifically for this con, including but not limited to: mugs, flags, charms, tote bags, bookmarks. Find us at Booth 868!

That’s it for the moment. I’ll do my best to get back to some semi-regular updates now that life has eased up on me a tad. I’d like to get some more small projects done and have a few more announcements to give y’all by the end of the year just to get us all excited for 2025.
Wish me luck, and as always, until next time!
T.D. Cloud
Good luck with the con and other projects! Don't overdo it, I feel you on 2024 not being my year and I hope you're not as exhausted as I feel... Take care!
(But also congrats on participating to projects like this kindle thingy despite everything, and having a new short story ready, that's pretty badass ♥)